The easiest way to track, invoice, and report time and materials...
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Transparent Cost Reporting - Time and Material Tracker automatically produces a suite of cost reports with each progress invoice.

This page showcases some of the cost reports that T & M Tracker produces. Notice how they empower you with ultimate cost control, so that you know exactly where you are in relation to your budget in your time and materials projects. No more guesswork! With these reports, you can track your costs for total work completed (total costs to date), previously progressed costs, and current costs (the current Progress Bill). Along with T & M summary reports, Time and Material Tracker software also produces T & M details reports, so that nothing is left to the imagination. Morevover, you can use T & M Tracker's built-in Report Wizard to execute custom searches and produce time and materials cost reports on the fly, including Employee, Vendor, Material Inventory, Timesheets, Labor Category reports and more...

Over / Under Report

Are you over or under budget? This report is great for knowing exactly where you are on a job in relation to your budget.

* Use bottom and right scroll bars to view full report

Time and Materials Summary

This report is great for capturing your labor and materials totals for the current progress bill.

* Use bottom and right scroll bars to view full report

Details Report

This report shows the labor details for the current progress bill. Similar details reports for Materials, Subtrades, and Other costs are also automatically produced with each progress invoice.

* Use bottom and right scroll bars to view full report

Budget Versus Actuals / Cost Control Report

Impress your clients with this report, which shows total work completed, previously progressed, and current costs for each item in your project's budget breakdown. This report provides you with ultimate cost control!

* Use bottom and right scroll bars to view full report

Progress Summary Report

This report summarizes time and materials totals for each item in your project's budget breakdown for the current progress bill.

* Use bottom and right scroll bars to view full report

Report Wizard

Dynamically create reports using the Report Wizards: Employee Reports, Vendor Reports, Timesheet Reports, Materials Inventory Reports, etc. Search per project or across all projects.

© True-Profit Construction Software Inc., 2014