The easiest way to track, invoice, and report time and materials...
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Imagine how it would feel to submit your progress knowing that it is accurate without feeling that you may have "missed something" or that you may have "over-progressed" by making a double entry...

It is always embarrassing when you make a "double entry" or "leave something out" and have to admit to your client that you have over-progressed or under-progressed on a progress invoice. With T & M Tracker, you can submit your progress claim with confidence knowing that your cost reporting will be accurate.

Eliminate double entries and the fear of over-progressing...

When you export monthly T & M expenses for a project from your accounting software and then import them into the Time and Material Tracker software, Time and Material Tracker will never import the same record twice. Likewise, you can never manually enter the same invoice twice. This way you can be sure that you will never make a "double entry" and over-progress your clients.

Eliminate the fear of "leaving something out" and under-progressing...

Furthermore, when you import your T & M expenses from your accounting software into Time and Material Tracker software, you can eliminate your fear that you may have "missed something" or "left something out" and as a result have under-progressed your client.

Data Import Feature - Save time and eliminate errors from having to manually enter records twice...

One of the "time saving" features of the Time and Material Tracker software is that you can export your T & M records from your accounting software and import them into the Time and Material Tracker software for each progress billing period in 3 simple steps… Not only do you save time by eliminating duplicate data entry, but you also eliminate errors stemming from having to manually re-enter records.

Time and Materials billing

Progress Invoicing

Set percentage markup and holdback rates

© True-Profit Construction Software Inc., 2014